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Ergonomic Dish Brush Grip 

This objective of this project was to choose an object that could be improved to be more ergonomic. I chose a bamboo dish brush that I use to wash my dishes. The gallery below shows the product and sketches created during the ideation process. 

Final Product 

front view.png


side view.png


other side.png


laying flat.png


Presentation Board

Project Board.png

The presentation board above is a breakdown of the ideation and product development cycle. For this project, I had two approaches for creating an ergonomic grip - the first to grip the object from the side and the seconds to grip the object from the top. (These ideas are shown on the bottom left of the presentation board.)


In order to create my support structure, I initially planned to laser cut and stack circles in the shape of the handle. But to avoid the need for assembly or inconsistencies, I decided to model the handle in SolidWorks and FDM print it using PLA. 

The molding process was highly trial and error. By using clay molding tools and Chavant Industrial Modeling Clay, I experimented with different style grips and ultimately decided to create the side grip. The final product can be viewed on the right column of the presentation board. 

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