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KIT: My Cup of Coffee

The Story

Imagine a freezing cold day where you can't

feel your hands. 

Just wear some gloves right? 

Now try to hold something smooth and slippery with those gloves on.

(Try a YETI 20 Oz. Tumbler.)

Kind of hard right? 

You may be getting a hand cramp by now.

(I would know.)

Now get on the bus while carrying a day's worth of food and snacks, some gym clothes, gym sneakers, notebooks, laptop and that cup of coffee

(in a YETI 20 Oz. Tumbler). 

Your phone just buzzed. You're getting a phone call. With one hand holding the bus pole and one hand holding that cup of coffee, what do you do? 

Logically, one would simultaneously hold the pole and cup of coffee with one hand as the other

hand reaches for the phone. 


Your coffee is now mere millimeters away from the bus pole where someone may have 




licked (!?) 


kind of gross right? 

Thus prompts the creation of KIT

It's short for: keeping it together

The Product

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KIT features a: 

  • Carry-Handle 

  • Mouth Cover 

  • Ergonomic Mug Holder

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A Mood Board for KIT

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The Design Process

(click on images for further information)  

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